Cauvery Nursing

M.SC Nursing

  • 2 years
  • B.Sc. Nursing after Karnataka State Nursing Council Registration with Minimum of 1 year Experience. All Five Specialty subjects available
  • M.Sc. Nursing – This post graduate course is designed to enable the students to function as a Professional Nurse, Clinical Nurse, Nurse Educator, Nurse Administrator, Nurse Manager, Nursing Leader, Nursing Supervisor and Researcher. This program is also designed to assist students in developing expertise and depth understanding in the field of Nursing Education.
  • Career in M.Sc. Nursing – After completion of the course she/he will be able to work in Nursing College, Nursing Schools, Government Hospitals, Private/Multi- Specialty Hospital, Nursing Homes, Army Hospitals, Mission Hospitals, Rehabilitation Centers, Industries and other institutes including Multi National Companies. Further , they can hold higher position at the State and National Council Level. She or he can also practice as an Independent Nurse Practitioner or Independent Nurse Midwife.
Course Curriculum:
  • I Year
    1.Nursing Education
    2.Advance Nursing Practice
    3.Nursing Research & Statistics
        Branch-I    Medical & Surgical Nursing- I
        Branch-II   Community Health Nursing -I
        Branch-III   Peadiatric Nursing -I
        Branch-IV   OBG Nursing -I
        Branch-V   Psychiatric Nursing I
  • II Year
    1.Nursing Management
    2.Nursing Research (Dissertation)
  •      Medical Surgical Nursing – II
            Sub-Specialities Are
            1) Cardio-vascular and Thoracic Nursing
            2) Critical Care Nursing
            3) Oncology Nursing
            4) Neuroscience Nursing
            5) Nephro-Urology Nursing
            6) Orthopedic Nursing
            7) Gastro Enterology Nursing
  •     Community Health Nursing -II
  •     Peadiatric Nursing – II
  •     OBG Nursing – II
  •     Psychiatric Nursing -II